altitude above ground level造句


  1. When the Hornet reached altitude above ground level ( agl ) in a nose high attitude, the pilots ejected.
  2. The satellite contains an electrical propulsion system that controls its altitude above ground level and adjusts it automatically in case of any deviation from orbit.
  3. It is meant to be used with a second publication that now specifies planes must maintain a 2, 000-foot minimum altitude above ground level, far higher than man-made obstructions.
  4. "' Terrain-following radar "'( TFR ) is an aerospace technology that allows a very-low-flying aircraft to automatically maintain a relatively constant altitude above ground level.
  5. If you want to compute the volume below a certain altitude above ground level, just multiply that altitude by the surface area of the Earth .-- Anon, January 11, 04 : 05 ( UTC ).
  6. It's difficult to find altitude above ground level in a sentence. 用altitude above ground level造句挺难的
  7. The Scout can be operated beyond the line of sight up to from the user, with a designed operational altitude above ground level of 300 to 500 feet at flying speeds of up to and an endurance of 25 minutes.


  1. "altithermal"造句
  2. "altithermal period"造句
  3. "altitude"造句
  4. "altitude 25"造句
  5. "altitude 360"造句
  6. "altitude above mean sea level"造句
  7. "altitude above sea level"造句
  8. "altitude acclimatization"造句
  9. "altitude accuracy"造句
  10. "altitude adaptation"造句

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